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Saturday 25 February 2017


"Knowledge is knowing that tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting tomato in fruit salad."

Like my cousin use to say 'knowledge is not for storage but usage'. Knowing is not enough, you have to use it for your own good. If you know that a poison can kill u but drank it anyway, you're still going to die. If you know that success demands hardwork yet you sit at home all day and expect manna from heaven, you're still going to be poor. If you know that cheating is going to cost you your marriage and still do it anyway, divorce is lurking my friend. Its high time you start using those things you have gathered for years and put them to good use. If you are still waiting for some kind of motivation, how many success stories will you hear to make your own? You can start now and still have a wonderful end. Goodluck.

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Friday 24 February 2017


"Whatever you believe on the inside is what you manifest on the outside."

It is as simple as that. It's high time you start thinking positively about yourself no matter what you have done in the past or who you are. The success you so much desire, the position you you want so much, who you want to be tomorrow depends on what you think about yourself. I saw myself as a motivational writer and speaker, here I am today doing what I love to do. What about you? What are you doing about your dreams? Your passions? Change the way you think because mindset matters a lot in your life and it is one of the determining factors of what you will become later in life. Let me tell you a short story about how powerful the way you think about yourself or mindset can do to your life.
Four friends went to a restaurant to eat. A rich one at that...not that they are poor but the calibre of people that visit that restaurant can't be compared with them. Three of them felt intimidated my the way they were treated and vowed that one day, they would come back to that same place to show off their wealth and maybe receive a better treatment. One was not intimidated rather he was motivated. Why? He looked at it from a different point of view. He wants to own a place like that where everyone will be treated equally and in so doing, make his money. Today, their dreams are fulfilled...only that his friends now come to his restaurant to show their wealth.
I hope the story helps you to understand how your thoughts can influence your life.

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Wednesday 22 February 2017


"Watch out for people who are always bragging about who they are. A lion would never have to tell me it's a lion."

Empty vessels make the most noise. Even if you are what you say you are, are you God? I don't know about you but I know a lion when I see one, you don't have to tell me you are one. So, if you not roaring like one, waste your time the whole day sleeping like one, have hairs all over your head and neck...infact, if you don't look exactly like the animal in the picture below, my dear, you are just another regular human being belittling himself to the level of a lion. Have a wonderful day.

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"Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong."

Everybody is capable of hurting someone but not everyone is capable of forgiveness. It takes a lot grace and a higher sense of maturity. If you are reading this and yet you find it hard to forgive others, let me tell you this - if you can't do it for them, do it for yourself so that you can move on with your life. Be strong...God demands that from you.

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"You owe it to yourself to be the best you can possibly be."

In my post earlier about Competing with yourself, I forget to let you know that you owe it to yourself to be the best you can possibly be. That's the essence of the competition with that person you see every time you look in the mirror. To be better than you are yesterday, to be the best you can today for tomorrow. Its a lot if you ask me, but its also easy if you are focused and determined. 

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Tuesday 21 February 2017


"Life three best teachers: heart-break, empty pockets and failure."

Very bad teachers I must say...but still the best. Why am I saying this? Well, they ensure you don't make the same mistake TWICE! If you are lucky to avoid their classes (if that is possible), congrats. If you are not that lucky...learn from your mistakes, pick up the pieces and continue. You will definitely emerge a better person.

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"Look in the mirror...that's your competition."

You heard me right. You are your own competition. Maybe you don't know this yet but everyday you wake up and look in the mirror, you are looking at an improved version of yourself. Now...that's the competition. Are you gonna remain like that. Every time you step out of that door, you don't come back the same. That person you saw in the morning has changed. Positively or negatively is up to you...but my advice is - don't let him win.

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"I am coming for everything they said I couldn't have."

I have two questions for you - what is that thing they said you can't have? What are you doing about it? You have so many people to prove wrong and you are just sitting down. My dear, you have to wake up because they are not God. Fight for it, work for it and pray about it...and you shall have it. Now is the time to show them that you can do everything through Christ who strengthens you.

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Monday 20 February 2017


"True friends are not the ones that make all your problems disappear. They are the ones who won't disappear when you are facing problems."

They said that if you want to know who are your real friends, mess up and see who is still standing by your side. True friends are hard to come by. They stick with you through thick and thin, correct you when you are wrong but never leave you, rejoice with you, share your sorrows and pains...infact, they make life worth living.

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"At first they will ask you why you are doing it. Later they will ask you how you did it."

I love it when they ask me 'how I did it?'...I mean who doesnt. Whenever you want to embark on something big and meaningful in your life, critics will always be around to stop you....and one of the first question they are going to ask you is 'why are you doing it'? My advice - don't give up. Continue until they ask you the most important question...

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Sunday 19 February 2017


"Learn to say "no" without explaining yourself."

My question is "must you?" I always believe in saying less than necessary so you don't end up saying what you are going to regret. Its not a must to explain your every decisions to people when you know you are on the right path. Just do you your thing and they will see your reasons afterwards...

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"Some talk to you in their free time, and some free their time to talk to you."

We all have this friend that talk to us when they are free which is actually hard to come by. Yet their are some who will stop what they are doing just to listen to what you have to say. If you ask me, I would stick with the one that make out time to talk, listen and even see me. My advice - Don't make anyone a priority in your life when you're just an option in theirs.

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