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Friday 6 January 2017


"Don't just accept where you are in life. If you want to be better, then do better. If you want to be more, then do more. Its all on you, do it!"

Complacency is an enemy of success. Most of us do not attain the heights we are supposed to in life because we are contented with the little we have. You can't be aiming for a higher position and still do nothing about it. Some will even wait for someone to come and do it for them or better still wait for another manna to fall from heaven. If you want something good in life, YOU have to go all out and get it! Remember what the Bible said in Matthew 7:7, I will leave you to that. Have a blessed day.


"its easy to fall in love but hard to find someone to catch you"

We all know that love is a beautiful thing and if you haven't experienced it yet, my dear you seriously need to. But just before you do that, I have a question for you 'does the other person feel the same way?' Because you will be doing more harm to yourself than good if you do so. I guess what am trying to say here is 'if you are going to fall in love, make sure that someone is on the other end waiting PATIENTLY to catch you or better still....fall together.' Have a wonderful weekend.

Wednesday 4 January 2017


"if you believe that the purpose of your life is to serve yourself, then you have no purpose in life. Help somebody today"

Helping somebody here does not necessarily mean that you should give the person money. Sometimes, all we need is someone to talk to, shoulders to cry upon, somebody to hold our hands and tell us its going to be alright. Sometimes, a small gift will do wonders. If you find yourself in such situation, use it as an opportunity to touch someone's life and that is the purpose of your life for it is said "a life lived for others is a life worth living"


"I can't brag about my love for God because I fail him daily but I can brag about his love for me because he never fails"

No matter the sin we have committed against God, he is always there to help us when we need him. That is to show you his unending love for us. If we can commit ourselves to his will, I believe that his love will forever be with us.

Tuesday 3 January 2017


"Sometimes before you can have a new dream in this life, the old ones has to be taken from you."

Most of us as children have different dreams maybe to be a footballer or musician one day. Today, we find ourselves in different sectors of life and we are quite comfortable doing what we do today. Maybe just maybe we won't be where we are today if our dreams as children were not taken from us to make way for the new better ones.