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Saturday 11 February 2017


"When someone done something wrong, don't forget the ones he did right."

Before you judge that person, before you begin to criticize him, before you start gossiping about him, think about all the things he has done right. If you can, make a list of all the good things he has done and on the other side, make the list of the wrongs he has done and then compare them. The result will guide you on what to do. Even if he doesn't make it.....still forgive because no matter how bad a person, there is still good in him.

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Do you need a tutor for your kid(s) during the weekend and you live in Abuja? Call 08069474274.

Do you live in Abuja and you need a seasoned Engineer with 25years work experience to service your heavy duty generator? Call 08069474274 now.


"Do not pass by a man in need for you may be the hand of God in his life."

Have you ever been in a difficult situation and someone from nowhere surfaced and offer to help you out without asking for anything in return? If yes, how did you feel at that moment? Amazing (if you have a better word to qualify that special moment, use the comment box) right? We as humans often find ourselves in that desperate situations and we always pray and seek for help. My dear, when you find an opportunity to help someone who cannot pay you back, do so. God can use you to change someone's life, and as you do so...YOUR own life will never be the same again.

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Do you need a tutor for your kid(s) during the weekend and you live in Abuja? Call 08069474274.

Do you live in Abuja and you need a seasoned Engineer with 25years work experience to service your heavy duty generator? Call 08069474274 now.


"The most dangerous person is the one who listens, thinks and observe."

Am always careful when am around this type and would advice you to do the same. It doesn't necessarily mean they are dangerous but you should be careful with the things you do or say around them. Mind you, this type of people are not SHY Or DUMB...they are the quiet (not gentle) and cunning ones.

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Do you need a tutor for your kid(s) during the weekend and you live in Abuja? Call 08069474274.

Do you live in Abuja and you need a seasoned Engineer with 25years work experience to service your heavy duty generator? Call 08069474274 now.

Friday 10 February 2017


"Trust yourself. You have survived a lot and you wil survive whatever that is coming."

Take a look down your memory lane and see the challenges and obstacles you overcame to get to where you are today. Are they not amazing? The only thing you can do now is to get prepared, be strong and this storm coming will be another story to tell.

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Want to sell a heavy duty truck? Buyers are waiting. Call this number - +2348069474274.

Do you live in Abuja and you need a seasoned Engineer with 25years work experience to service your heavy duty generator? Call +2348069474274 now.


"Don't promise when you are happy, don't reply when you are angry, and don't decide when you are sad."

If you are still doing them, maybe it's time to stop. If you promise when you are happy, probability is that you will make the one you can't keep out of joy. If you reply when you are angry, probability is that you will say a lot of things both parties are going to regret later. And if you decide when you are sad, trust me when I tell you that emotions and sentiments will cloud your sense of judgement and you will end up in a bigger and sadder situation. My advice...don't make the above mistakes.

Want to sell a heavy duty truck? Buyers are waiting. Call this number - +2348069474274.

Do you live in Abuja and you need a seasoned Engineer with 25years work experience to service your heavy duty generator? Call +2348069474274 now.


"People will leave you but that doesn't mean it's your fault."

Stop wallowing in self pity and get yourself together. Know it that you can't force anyone to stay if they don't want to. Even when you have wronged them and apologized sincerely letting them know that you are truly sorry and they decide to leave, LET THEM GO. Stop blaming yourself because some people come into our lives as blessings, others as lessons.

Want to sell a heavy duty truck? Buyers are waiting. Call this number - +2348069474274.

Do you live in Abuja and you need a seasoned Engineer with 25years work experience to service your heavy duty generator? Call +2348069474274 now.

Thursday 9 February 2017


"Wake up every morning with the thought that something wonderful is about to happen."

I do this every morning and it works for me. It helps to put you in the right mood to face the challenges of the day. Be optimistic, put a smile on that lovely face of yours and prepare for work. God will see you through.

Want to sell a heavy duty truck? Buyers are waiting. Call this number - +2348069474274.

Do you live in Abuja and you need a seasoned Engineer with 25years work experience to service your heavy duty generator? Call +2348069474274 now.

Wednesday 8 February 2017


"A flower does not think of competing with the one next to it. it just blooms."

I know that competition is normal in life and sometimes help us to better our game and improve as an individual. But my question is, 'the competition, is it a healthy one?' The same reason a flower doesn't think of competing with the one next to it will also be the reason why a candle doesn't lose anything by lighting another candle. If these things understand this simple fact, how much we the humans. Competing with someone does not imply stopping or hindering the person's progress but improving your own game and strategy. If you do so in the right way, the other person will also do same and in that way...we all grow together as one and make the world a better place.

Want to sell a heavy duty truck? Buyers are waiting. Call this number - +2348069474274.

Do you live in Abuja and you need a seasoned Engineer with 25years work experience to service your heavy duty generator? Call +2348069474274 now.


"When a deep injury is done to us. We don't heal until we forgive."

If you still bear grudges against anyone, even after saying that you have forgiven the have not. I wrote something on Forgiveness earlier this week and I think you should read it. When you forgive, you are not just helping the person who wronged you but also helping yourself heal better. Learn to let go because that's the only way you can obtain forgiveness from God. It is not going to be easy but it will be worth it.

Want to sell a heavy duty truck? Buyers are waiting. Call this number - +2348069474274.

Do you live in Abuja and you need a seasoned Engineer with 25years work experience to service your heavy duty generator? Call +2348069474274 now.


"Everything that you are going through is preparing you for what you asked for."

I believe that everything we are passing through is preparing us for something greater. I don't know what you ask for when you pray, but I know your current situation may be the pathway. Relax, take life easy, learn everything that you can because it might be the only thing you need when you get there.

Want to sell a heavy duty truck? Buyers are waiting. Call this number - +2348069474274.

Do you live in Abuja and you need a seasoned Engineer with 25years work experience to service your heavy duty generator? Call +2348069474274 now.

Tuesday 7 February 2017


"Millions of people can believe in you. And yet none of it matters if you don't believe in yourself."

If people can see it in you, why can't you? You know you have all it takes yet you are not sure if you can do it. My question is 'have you tried?' Let me tell you today that you are your own limit. It doesn't take much...focus your mind, be determined and committed, say to yourself 'i can do this' and you will see yourself doing it. You just have to BELIEVE.

Want to sell a heavy duty truck? Buyers are waiting. Call this number - +2348069474274.

Do you live in Abuja and you need a seasoned Engineer with 25years work experience to service your heavy duty generator? Call +2348069474274 now.


"Everybody you fight is not your enemy. And not everybody that helps you is your friend."

A lot of people always make this mistake. That a person helped you in your time of need does not mean he/she did it with good intention. They may want something in return.
When it comes to your enemies, be sure who you are dealing with. Is he or she the enemy? Was he or she involved? How? By the time you are through with these will be able to know why he/she is the enemy and avoid unnecessary fallout with people. Play safe.

Want to sell a heavy duty truck? Buyers are waiting. Call this number - +2348069474274.

Do you live in Abuja and you need a seasoned Engineer with 25years work experience to service your heavy duty generator? Call +2348069474274 now.

Monday 6 February 2017


"Falling down is an accident. Staying down is a choice."

That's all it takes to be successful. You fall down, you get up, dust yourself and continue. If you decide to stay down, its your choice. It's what separates the best from the rest. Don't give up because I know that one day, God will bless our hustle.

Want to sell a heavy duty truck? Buyers are waiting. Call this number - +2348069474274.

Do you live in Abuja and you need a seasoned Engineer with 25years work experience to service your heavy duty generator? Call +2348069474274 now.

Sunday 5 February 2017


"Every next level in your life will demand a different you."

 Change is constant and life is dynamic. Are you ready for that next level? If yes, then prepare to adapt. I believe your life in high school or college is not the same with the one you are living as a graduate. I know that your life when you had nothing is not the same with now that you can afford most things. Even when you encounter God, your life can never be the same. What am trying to say is if you can adapt and react to any situation and condition....then you are ready for the NEXT LEVEL.

Want to sell a heavy duty truck? Buyers are waiting. Call this number - +2348069474274.

Do you live in Abuja and you need a seasoned Engineer with 25years work experience to service your heavy duty generator? Call +2348069474274 now.