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Saturday 14 January 2017


"Sometimes when things are falling, they may be actually falling into place."

Yes I know what you are thinking right now 'it doesn't make any sense!' I felt so the first time I saw it. Everyone knows the story of Joseph in the bible...can you relate it to the quote above. In our daily lives, we find ourselves in difficult and impossible situations and it seems the world is crashing down on us but my dear, its still not the end of the world. It might be turning around for your own good, you just have to stay strong. 'Remember, for something to stand you have to risk letting it fall.' Just pray and let God direct you because nothing good comes easy.

Want to sell a heavy duty truck? Buyers are waiting. Call this number - +2348069474274.


"If your goals set you apart from the crowd, STAY ALONE." 

Never be afraid to stand alone even when people are against you. My experience tells me that most times 'majority are always wrong.' That most people are doing or saying it does not make it right. If you know that you are on the right path, stay on it and God will see you through. But my advice to you is this: You are not the only person in the whole world with your ideas, mindset and goals. Find others like you, align yourself with them and make friends with them because "if you want to go fast in life, you go alone but if you really want to go far in life...go with your friends."

Want to sell a heavy duty truck? Buyers are waiting. Call this number - +2348069474274.

Friday 13 January 2017


"You have been criticizing yourself for years and it hasn't worked. Try approving yourself and see what happens."

Why are you being so hard on yourself? Inferiority complex destroys our self esteem and self worth. You blame yourself for every little mistake you make thinking that others are perfect. Well, the truth is that the people you compare yourself with or you think are perfect may not be what you think they are. Theirs might be more complicated than yours but they choose to learn from it and move on. My dear, give yourself the credit you deserve, work hard(smart) and learn from people's mistakes...and like the quote said 'lets see what happens.'

Want to sell a heavy duty truck? Buyers are waiting. Call this number - 08069474274.

Thursday 12 January 2017


"If you only love those who love you, what type of love is that?"

I often see this type of love as a form of 'trade by barter.' We don't choose who we fall in love with neither do we choose the people we love. Love is unconditional, and is not biased. For God is love and I believe that if he were to choose the people he will love, you and I will not be among them. Since we are created in his image and likeness, let us be ambassadors of this undying love and spread this love EVEN TO OUR ENEMIES.

Want to sell a heavy duty truck? Buyers are waiting. Call this number - 08069474274.

Wednesday 11 January 2017


"Sometimes you have to keep the good news to yourself. Not everyone is genuinely happy for you."

Whenever you are winning in life, be careful the type of people you share your success story with. Take cognizance of the fact that most of them may not be happy with your progress in life and limit the information you pass along. Just work hard in silence and let your success make the noise. Have a lovely day.

Monday 9 January 2017


"One of the best lessons you can learn in life is to master how to remain calm."

Every situation does not need a reaction, learn how to observe and be calm because silence is power if you know how to use it. If you react to every situation, probability is that you will do or say a lot of things you will surely regret. Even when you are angry, its better to breathe more than saying or doing anything else.

Sunday 8 January 2017


"Don't be afraid to fail, be afraid not to try"

This is a new year and for some, the first working day of the year. This is the day you start living the life you have always wanted to live. That project you have always wanted to embark on, that thing you have always wanted to do but too timid or afraid to try...this is the day to start. If you can be bold enough to take that first step which is usually the hardest, I believe that you will see that dream becoming a reality.


"when a man has a reason to love, then that cannot be love."

I recently attended a wedding ceremony of a friend and one thing caught my attention. During the service, the priest asked the bride "why do you love this man" she stood there for 5 minutes looking at husband-to-be with tears in her eyes and she said "i don't even know." I was moved to tears myself. That is LOVE. In this modern era, we are fond of loving somebody because of one attribute or the other. It may be the complexion, the body structure, the characters the person might possess and the list is unending. My dear, you need to stop and ask yourself "what will happen to the love I feel for this person when these things are gone." Believe me when I tell you that all that love will just vanish because love is more than that. It comes from the heart and this type of love endure tough circumstances and situations because it is a true one. Learn to love someone from the bottom of your heart for it is only love that can save the world today. Happy sunday