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Saturday 4 February 2017


"Do everything in clean heart and never expect anything in return. You will never be disappointed."

You only get disappointed when you are expecting something and its doesn't come through. Why don't you try it the other way round. Live your life in such a way that it feels like nobody owes you anything. Do good without expect any favour, help people without expecting gratitude and you will see that life will become less disappointing and more fun.

Want to sell a heavy duty truck? Buyers are waiting. Call this number - +2348069474274.

Do you live in Abuja and you need a seasoned Engineer with 25years work experience to service your heavy duty generator? Call +2348069474274 now.

Shop online at mavenx

Friday 3 February 2017


"Don't raise your voice rather improve your argument."

The quality of any argument is the facts and points you make and not how loud your voice is. Arguments are based on knowledge. Even when you know what to say, be quiet and matured about it. Calm down, express yourself so that you will not just be heard but understood.

Want to sell a heavy duty truck? Buyers are waiting. Call this number - +2348069474274.

Do you live in Abuja and you need a seasoned Engineer with 25years work experience to service your heavy duty generator? Call +2348069474274 now.

Shop online at mavenx

Thursday 2 February 2017


"Character is how you treat people who can do nothing for you."

How do you treat people that can do nothing for you? This is a question we all need to answer. Most times, the people that often receive favour from us or the people we give our attention to are those ones who can return the favour and that is wrong. Now is the time to change and start treating everyone fairly and equally irrespective of their position in life.

Want to sell a heavy duty truck? Buyers are waiting. Call this number - +2348069474274.

Do you live in Abuja and you need a seasoned Engineer with 25years work experience to service your heavy duty generator? Call +2348069474274 now.

Shop online at mavenx


"When you forgive, you don't change the past...but the future."

Old things have passed away and new things have come to stay. When you forgive someone, you didn't change the fact that you were wronged in the past, as it is often said "you can't change the past," but you create a whole new future where love will prevail. If you always forgive those who offend you, you shall also be forgiven.

Want to sell a heavy duty truck? Buyers are waiting. Call this number - +2348069474274.

Do you live in Abuja and you need a seasoned Engineer with 25years work experience to service your heavy duty generator? Call +2348069474274 now.

Shop online at mavenx

Wednesday 1 February 2017


"Do not let any man pull you low enough to hate him."

Hatred is a total waste of time and energy. Assuming you hate someone because of what he or she might have done to you, does it really affect them? The answer is no rather you are indirectly hurting yourself the more and its not worth it. Remember my post earlier about happiness that said Nothing is worth it if you are not happy," and if hating that person doesn't make you happy, why do it in the first place. Forgive always, forget often and live happily.

Want to sell a heavy duty truck? Buyers are waiting. Call this number - +2348069474274.

Do you live in Abuja and you need a seasoned Engineer with 25years work experience to service your heavy duty generator? Call +2348069474274 now.

Shop online at mavenx

Tuesday 31 January 2017


"If you give up at the first sign of struggle, you are not ready to be successful."

You want to be a billionaire yet you always give up at the slightest struggle. You think its going to be easy and yet everybody is not one yet. Make out time and study the life of successful people and you will discover one thing they all have in common; they don't give up. In this life, struggles and challenges are opportunities to grow and learn something new and different. If you can be steadfast, have faith and believe, I know that your success is already at your doorstep. Happy new month

Want to sell a heavy duty truck? Buyers are waiting. Call this number - +2348069474274.

Do you live in Abuja and you need a seasoned Engineer with 25years work experience to service your heavy duty generator? Call +2348069474274 now.


"Be helpful when you see someone without a smile. Give him yours."

I can use one right now, that is if you are willingly to give me yours. When you see someone passing through a difficult time, one look at the person will tell you that he needs help. May be your smile is all that he needs, just someone to cheer him up and encourage him and when you are doing that, you can be saving a life without knowing. If we can make it a habit to always put smile on people's faces, the world will be a better place.

Want to sell a heavy duty truck? Buyers are waiting. Call this number - +2348069474274.

Do you live in Abuja and you need a seasoned Engineer with 25years work experience to service your heavy duty generator? Call +2348069474274 now.

Monday 30 January 2017


"Nothing is worth it if you are not happy."

Happiness is paramount in everything we do in this life. Be it marriage, job, business, relationship or even when serving God. If you are not happy, it has a way of reflecting in everything you say or do. What am trying to say is that if you are not happy doing it, then its truly not worth it. Think about it

Want to sell a heavy duty truck? Buyers are waiting. Call this number - +2348069474274.

Do you live in Abuja and you need a seasoned Engineer with 25years work experience to service your heavy duty generator? Call +2348069474274 now.


"I am learning to love the sound of my feet walking away from things not meant for me."

Just before you start loving that sound, just before you think that letting go will be the best option, make sure you have given it all your best. Leave no stone unturned, and when you are not getting any result...maybe its time to let go. I know its one of the hardest thing to do, it may also be the only choice you have.

Want to sell a heavy duty truck? Buyers are waiting. Call this number - +2348069474274.

Do you live in Abuja and you need a seasoned Engineer with 25years work experience to service your heavy duty generator? Call +2348069474274 now.


"Never let your success get to your head. Never let your failure get to your heart."

Guard your head JEALOUSLY from success and your heart JEALOUSLY from failure. When success gets to your head, pride sets in and you know what they said "pride goes before fall." Same goes for failure, if you let it anywhere close to your will always feel like everything you are going to do will fail even before you begin. The bottom line is 'when you are winning, always play it down. When you fail, dust yourself and keep trying.' 

Want to sell a heavy duty truck? Buyers are waiting. Call this number - +2348069474274.

Do you live in Abuja and you need a seasoned Engineer with 25years work experience to service your heavy duty generator? Call +2348069474274 now.

Sunday 29 January 2017


"Fake people don't surprise me anymore. Loyal people do.

I wish there is an instrument or tech we can use to look into people's mind and soul and see them for what they truly are. So many people forming familiarity when things are well with you. Just tell them you are passing through a tough time and see how they will leave you and move on to the next available good thing. Its a routine in our generation. But if you happen to meet that loyal person(s) who is always there for you (which is rare), don't ever let them go.

Want to sell a heavy duty truck? Buyers are waiting. Call this number - +2348069474274.

Do you live in Abuja and you need a seasoned Engineer with 25years work experience to service your heavy duty generator? Call +2348069474274 now.


"The devil doesn't come to you with red faces and horns. He comes to you disguise as everything you've ever wanted."

Even salt looks like sugar sometimes. You just have to be careful with your life because temptations come with many sweet returns. If you are waiting for that red face and big horns as many drawings and paintings would suggest before you know you are being tempted, you need to have a rethink. I will advise that you pray and ask God for his grace to be able to know the difference. Happy Sunday

Want to sell a heavy duty truck? Buyers are waiting. Call this number - +2348069474274.

Do you live in Abuja and you need a seasoned Engineer with 25years work experience to service your heavy duty generator? Call +2348069474274 now.