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Saturday 21 January 2017


"A perfect marriage is just two imperfect people who refused to give up on each other."

The rate at which people get divorced these days is quite alarming. You will see someone in his or her early 40s, has been married two to three times. If we continue at this rate, am afraid that marriage will be reduced to nothing. Instead of quitting your marriage because of one problem or the other, have you tried looking for a solution? If it doesnt work out, try another one because the truth is that we all face problems in our homes. The strong stay and fight while the weak quit and run away. Be strong today

Want to sell a heavy duty truck? Buyers are waiting. Call this number - +2348069474274.

Do you live in Abuja and you need a seasoned Engineer with 25years work experience to service your heavy duty generator? Call +2348069474274 now.


"Far too many people are looking for the right person instead of trying to be the right person."

If someone ask you the type of person you want in your life, I know the list would be long. She has to be this, he has to be that and so on but the question is...what have you to offer? If you happen to meet this RIGHT person, will you also be RIGHT for him or her? You need to examine your life first and find out if you are 'RIGHT' for anyone. If you are able to work on yourself, do the RIGHT things, believe me...the RIGHT person will soon come knocking at your door.

Want to sell a heavy duty truck? Buyers are waiting. Call this number - +2348069474274.

Do you live in Abuja and you need a seasoned Engineer with 25years work experience to service your heavy duty generator? Call +2348069474274 now.

Friday 20 January 2017


"You don't always have to tell someone you love them. You just have to give them no reason to doubt it."

I don't really have to say much on this because if you are truly in love with someone, every part of you will show it. If you are fond of saying I love you while your actions are saying need to retrace your steps if you still value your relationship. You may be faithful but you dont express your is wrong. You may shower them with gifts but you are cheating...its wrong. Let your actions back your that when you finally say it, they will believe you.

Want to sell a heavy duty truck? Buyers are waiting. Call this number - +2348069474274.

Do you live in Abuja and you need a seasoned Engineer with 25years work experience to service your heavy duty generator? Call +2348069474274 now.


"Learn the way but make your own way."

You read a lot of books, attend a lot of seminars, heard a lot of success stories and you have tried each and everyone of them, yet no result. You always wonder....why am I so different? The truth is that you are. All those things you did just to improve yourself are there to give you a head start, to encourage and motivate you. Its not a must you will follow that exact method or route on your way to success. You are unique because God made it so, you just have to discover yourself, find out what works for you, apply what you already know and you will make it. Have a lovely weekend.

Want to sell a damaged heavy duty truck? Buyers are waiting. Call this number - +2348069474274.

Do you live in Abuja and you need a seasoned Engineer with 25years work experience to service your heavy duty generator? Call +2348069474274 now.

Wednesday 18 January 2017


"Don't tell people your dreams. Show them."

I dont know what you believe in but I know that action speaks LOUDER than voice. Even if you have to tell them, back it up with a lot of actions that will not only show them but also convince them that you are capable of achieving those dreams. Am waiting for your success story. Have a lovely day.

Want to sell a heavy duty truck? Buyers are waiting. Call this number - +2348069474274.

Do you live in Abuja and you need a seasoned Engineer with 25years work experience to service your heavy duty generator? Call +2348069474274 now.


"The true mark of maturity is when somebody hurts you and you try to understand their situation instead of trying to hurt them back."

This is exceptionally rare because it requires a high sense of maturity. Before you judge that person, before you point that accusing finger or try hurting that person back...have you tried putting yourself in their shoes? Try and feel their pains. If you find yourself in a similar situation, what will you do? We are humans and we are not perfect. Maybe they did it out of ignorance and its left for you and I to let it go, to forgive, forget and to show love to one another. God bless you as you do this, amen.

Want to sell a heavy duty truck? Buyers are waiting. Call this number - +2348069474274.

Do you live in Abuja and you need a seasoned Engineer with 25years work experience to service your heavy duty generator? Call +2348069474274 now.


"One of the most important keys to success is having the discipline to do what you know you should do, even when you don't feel like it."

Discipline is a necessity if you want to succeed in life. You think that the people that go extra mile, stay up at night to work, do up to three different jobs a day, leave their comfort zone just to make it in life enjoy what they are doing? You think that they enjoy the stress and difficulties they encounter daily in their quest to succeed? The truth is that they dont! But they have the discipline to push forward knowing that there is no other way. My need to wake up from your SLUMBER!

Want to sell a heavy duty truck? Buyers are waiting. Call this number - +2348069474274.

Do you live in Abuja and you need a seasoned Engineer with 25years work experience to service your heavy duty generator? Call +2348069474274 now.

Tuesday 17 January 2017


"If you hang out with four broke guys, you are going to be the fifth one."

Be careful the type of friends you keep. Choose them wisely because they are the people who can influence you easily. If you are aiming for the top, you can't make friends with someone who is about to hit rock bottom. What am trying to say here is that you shouldn't let anyone who has done nothing to tell you how to do anything. Choose the right people, work hard and everything will be alright.

Want to sell a heavy duty truck? Buyers are waiting. Call this number - +2348069474274.

Do you live in Abuja and you need a seasoned Engineer with 25years work experience to service your heavy duty generator? Call +2348069474274 now.

Monday 16 January 2017


"Anxiety happens when you think you have to figure out everything all at once. Breathe. You are strong. You got this. Take it day by day."

Why do you worry too much? Being worried about every little situation is not going to do you any good neither will it help the situation. You don't have to do it all at once, learn to rest...take your time BUT NEVER QUIT because if a problem has a solution, why worry? And if it doesn't...why worry?

Want to sell a heavy duty truck? Buyers are waiting. Call this number - +2348069474274.

Do you live in Abuja and you need a seasoned Engineer with 25years work experience to service your heavy duty generator? Call +2348069474274 now.


"The best time to start was yesterday. The best next time is today."

You read it and you are still waiting? Get up and get going. Time waits for no one and you are not an exception. Don't think that you are alone in this because everyone is guilty of this at one point in their life. The only difference is that they have realized their mistake and took appropriate steps to stop the habit. YOU can change and NOW is the time. Have a lovely week.

Want to sell a heavy duty truck? Buyers are waiting. Call this number - +2348069474274.

Do you live in Abuja and you need a seasoned Engineer with 25years work experience to service your heavy duty generator? Call +2348069474274 now.

Sunday 15 January 2017


"You are not defined by your past, you are prepare by your past. God never wastes our pain."

Where you are today is as a result of who you are may be a year ago, a month ago or even yesterday. No matter the challenges, difficulties, impossible and ugly situations we found ourselves in, we overcame each and every one of them to become who we are today. Whenever we are faced with challenges and obstacles, Its always a chance for us to learn something new and better ourselves because if you expect your days to always be bright...just remember  that all shine and no rain maketh a desert. Be proud of your yesterday but strive for a better tomorrow. Happy sunday

Want to sell a heavy duty truck? Buyers are waiting. Call this number - +2348069474274.