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Thursday 14 December 2017


Do more things that make you forget to check your phone

In our modern society, mobile phones has become man's best companion. We tend to spend more time pressing our phones than doing anything that will benefit our society at large. When observed properly, you will be surprise to see that more people are addicted to their phones than they are to drugs and alcohol. This is the sad truth and to make it worse, the youths (the supposed leaders of tomorrow) are more guilty of this than any other age group.
It doesn't have to be this way. Instead of sitting down there all day with your pressing and pressing, engage your self in activities that can build you physically, emotionally, psychologically and most importantly spiritually cause the truth the end, that's all that matters.

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Saturday 25 February 2017


"Knowledge is knowing that tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting tomato in fruit salad."

Like my cousin use to say 'knowledge is not for storage but usage'. Knowing is not enough, you have to use it for your own good. If you know that a poison can kill u but drank it anyway, you're still going to die. If you know that success demands hardwork yet you sit at home all day and expect manna from heaven, you're still going to be poor. If you know that cheating is going to cost you your marriage and still do it anyway, divorce is lurking my friend. Its high time you start using those things you have gathered for years and put them to good use. If you are still waiting for some kind of motivation, how many success stories will you hear to make your own? You can start now and still have a wonderful end. Goodluck.

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Friday 24 February 2017


"Whatever you believe on the inside is what you manifest on the outside."

It is as simple as that. It's high time you start thinking positively about yourself no matter what you have done in the past or who you are. The success you so much desire, the position you you want so much, who you want to be tomorrow depends on what you think about yourself. I saw myself as a motivational writer and speaker, here I am today doing what I love to do. What about you? What are you doing about your dreams? Your passions? Change the way you think because mindset matters a lot in your life and it is one of the determining factors of what you will become later in life. Let me tell you a short story about how powerful the way you think about yourself or mindset can do to your life.
Four friends went to a restaurant to eat. A rich one at that...not that they are poor but the calibre of people that visit that restaurant can't be compared with them. Three of them felt intimidated my the way they were treated and vowed that one day, they would come back to that same place to show off their wealth and maybe receive a better treatment. One was not intimidated rather he was motivated. Why? He looked at it from a different point of view. He wants to own a place like that where everyone will be treated equally and in so doing, make his money. Today, their dreams are fulfilled...only that his friends now come to his restaurant to show their wealth.
I hope the story helps you to understand how your thoughts can influence your life.

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Wednesday 22 February 2017


"Watch out for people who are always bragging about who they are. A lion would never have to tell me it's a lion."

Empty vessels make the most noise. Even if you are what you say you are, are you God? I don't know about you but I know a lion when I see one, you don't have to tell me you are one. So, if you not roaring like one, waste your time the whole day sleeping like one, have hairs all over your head and neck...infact, if you don't look exactly like the animal in the picture below, my dear, you are just another regular human being belittling himself to the level of a lion. Have a wonderful day.

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"Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong."

Everybody is capable of hurting someone but not everyone is capable of forgiveness. It takes a lot grace and a higher sense of maturity. If you are reading this and yet you find it hard to forgive others, let me tell you this - if you can't do it for them, do it for yourself so that you can move on with your life. Be strong...God demands that from you.

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"You owe it to yourself to be the best you can possibly be."

In my post earlier about Competing with yourself, I forget to let you know that you owe it to yourself to be the best you can possibly be. That's the essence of the competition with that person you see every time you look in the mirror. To be better than you are yesterday, to be the best you can today for tomorrow. Its a lot if you ask me, but its also easy if you are focused and determined. 

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Tuesday 21 February 2017


"Life three best teachers: heart-break, empty pockets and failure."

Very bad teachers I must say...but still the best. Why am I saying this? Well, they ensure you don't make the same mistake TWICE! If you are lucky to avoid their classes (if that is possible), congrats. If you are not that lucky...learn from your mistakes, pick up the pieces and continue. You will definitely emerge a better person.

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"Look in the mirror...that's your competition."

You heard me right. You are your own competition. Maybe you don't know this yet but everyday you wake up and look in the mirror, you are looking at an improved version of yourself. Now...that's the competition. Are you gonna remain like that. Every time you step out of that door, you don't come back the same. That person you saw in the morning has changed. Positively or negatively is up to you...but my advice is - don't let him win.

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"I am coming for everything they said I couldn't have."

I have two questions for you - what is that thing they said you can't have? What are you doing about it? You have so many people to prove wrong and you are just sitting down. My dear, you have to wake up because they are not God. Fight for it, work for it and pray about it...and you shall have it. Now is the time to show them that you can do everything through Christ who strengthens you.

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Monday 20 February 2017


"True friends are not the ones that make all your problems disappear. They are the ones who won't disappear when you are facing problems."

They said that if you want to know who are your real friends, mess up and see who is still standing by your side. True friends are hard to come by. They stick with you through thick and thin, correct you when you are wrong but never leave you, rejoice with you, share your sorrows and pains...infact, they make life worth living.

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"At first they will ask you why you are doing it. Later they will ask you how you did it."

I love it when they ask me 'how I did it?'...I mean who doesnt. Whenever you want to embark on something big and meaningful in your life, critics will always be around to stop you....and one of the first question they are going to ask you is 'why are you doing it'? My advice - don't give up. Continue until they ask you the most important question...

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Sunday 19 February 2017


"Learn to say "no" without explaining yourself."

My question is "must you?" I always believe in saying less than necessary so you don't end up saying what you are going to regret. Its not a must to explain your every decisions to people when you know you are on the right path. Just do you your thing and they will see your reasons afterwards...

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"Some talk to you in their free time, and some free their time to talk to you."

We all have this friend that talk to us when they are free which is actually hard to come by. Yet their are some who will stop what they are doing just to listen to what you have to say. If you ask me, I would stick with the one that make out time to talk, listen and even see me. My advice - Don't make anyone a priority in your life when you're just an option in theirs.

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Friday 17 February 2017


"The world is full of nice people. If you can't find one, be one."

Why look for one when you can be one. There are so many people that need your help, be nice to them because they need you and the world also need you. Put smile on people's faces and eternal joy shall be yours. Enjoy your weekend

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"Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life. Tip toe if you must, but take the step."

Crawl if you must, pull yourself if you can, walk if you have the patience, run if you have the strength, fly if you know how to but you MUST take the step. Do it for yourself. I know sometimes, the first one is often the hardest...but it always get better after that. Keep pushing forward and I know you will surely get to your destination.

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"Do what is right, not what is easy."

Are you the type that do things because they are easy. You know the right thing to do, and yet you choose the wrong one because it is easier. Let me make it clear that bad things are always easier to do. Even in the bible, it is written that wide is the road that leads to hell but narrow is the one that leads to heaven. I will advice you today my dear that if you are faced with that same decision ever again, do what is right before God and leave the rest to him.

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"If you truly love yourself, you could never hurt another."

That's true. Its even written in the bible that you should love your neighbour as you love yourself. If you cannot hurt yourself, you should not hurt others as well. Let us narrow it down to this 'do unto others what you want them to do unto you', and If we treat others the way we treat ourselves, the world will be at peace.

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Thursday 16 February 2017


"Love your parents. We are so busy growing and often forget that they are also growing old."

As we are growing up, so does our parents grow old. At that stage, they need your attention, your love, care and so on. Infact, they need double of all the good things they have done for you and believe me...its not too much of a thing to ask from your children. If you are lucky that your parents are still with you today, love them as you would your children because in that old age...they are more like kids who need your undivided attention.

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"It is not how big a house is. It's how happy the home is."

There are so many things money cannot buy and a happy home is one of them. There is nothing as wonderful as having a happy and peaceful home that you can return to after a days work. If you want to know what you are enjoying, ask a man with a broken home. Well, you can make a home out of that big house of yours. You just have to put in extra work, pray, be dedicated and love each and everyone of them equally.

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"Family isn't an important thing. It's everything."

Charity begins at home, so does everything we do in this life. We can choose our friends but not our family because it is given to us by God. It is important we handle our families with love, care and attention because that is where our journey in life starts, and whatever we learn here stays with us for the rest of our lives.

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Wednesday 15 February 2017


"People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing. That's why we recommend it daily."

This blog was created for one purpose only - To motivate people daily. You can be a part of something this wonderful because there are millions of souls out there who need your knowledge, wisdom and they are willing to learn from your experience. Why don't you help them. Everyone needs pushes us forward, give us the never-give-up spirit and fill us with the determination to succeed even in the toughest situations. Its not something you just hear once a month or maybe a year, its something that you should hear on daily bases until it becomes part of you. If you can, open your bible and read Luke chapter 22 verse 40 to 44. You will understand why we cant do without motivation. To be a part of this team - to help us motivate people, click here to submit your quotes and advice.

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"The only way to do a great job is to love what you do."

Steve Jobs said 'your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do a great job is to love what you'. He said it all. I mean if you are not happy doing what you do, why do it in the first place. When you love your job, you will be happy doing it, then you are bound to succeed.

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Tuesday 14 February 2017


"Loyalty is rare. If you find it, keep."

If you have been betrayed once, you will understand perfectly what this quote is talking about. If you are lucky to find those who will stand by you through thick and thin, through the darkest moment, you better stick with them because they are hard to come by...

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"The couples that are meant to be, are the ones who go through everything that is supposed to tear them apart, and come out even stronger."

Am sure some of us are familiar with what we call 'test of love'. Listen, the world is not a bed of roses, so is our relationships and marriages. We are tempted, tested and tried on daily bases to see if we can hold on to our partners or quit and run away. To those who stood their ground, they will definitely emerge victorious and to those who ran away....your guess is as good as mine.

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"There are some people that could hear you speak a thousand words and still not understand you. And there are some people that can understand without you even speaking a word."

This is amazing and also rare. Mothers exhibit this kind of love because they always know when you are sad, in pain, sorrowful, happy, excited and so on. We need people like this in our lives, I mean someone who can understand and related to all your emotions and even accept you the way you are. Its just amazing. If you find someone who can love and understand you like that, you should never EVER let them go. Since today is Valentine's day, why don't you make these people who make our world so beautiful feel special. Happy Valentine.

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Monday 13 February 2017


"Cheaters tends to think that everyone cheats. Liars tends to think that everyone lies. Keep that in mind."

Don't let them confuse you. Be disciplined and live your life in a way that pleases God. They will tell you that everybody is doing it, but you can ask them 'who is everybody?' My dear, If your lifestyle sets you apart, just stand alone and be the change you want to see.

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"When life puts you in a tough situation, don't say 'why me' say 'try me'."

I like tough people. Infact i love them. If you are going to be my friend, you just have to be tough. Why do I say that? Well let me tell you one good thing about them: they don't quit. These set of people will motivate you in difficult situation. They will even push you forward or carry you just to make sure you don't give up. If you are among them, thumbs up! But if you are not, make one your friend or better still 'TOUGHEN UP'

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Sunday 12 February 2017


"One day or day one. You decide."

Like it or not, we make this decision everyday of our life. Is it going to be one of those ordinary day in your life or the day you have to make it right? For some, its day two, two hundred and so on. What are you still waiting for...make the right decision today!

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"Be careful who you trust, the devil was once an angel."

You dont just trust anybody you meet or call your friend. It has to be earned and by that I mean 'tested.' Its true that people do change often but some are more trustworthy than others. Whenever you feel like sharing your problems, do it with God who is always trustworthy. But if you really want so only with the friend who has earned that trust. I pray he/she be worth it.

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"If you want something you never had, you have to do something you have never done before."

You see that thing you have been aiming at, that goal, that dream, that person you have always wanted. Well, you are not going to achieve that or have that person if you don't do something right now. Step out of your COMFORT ZONE and do something right now. Don't limit yourself, don't say I can't do it...step out, stretch your hand and grab it. Yes! It's that easy, try and see.

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"A relationship where you can pray, worship and passionately pursue God together is definitely worth the wait."

To know and serve God is truly wonderful. To find yourself in a relationship where you can earnest worship God is something miraculous and DEFINITELY worth the wait. Believe me, even when you have to wait, God will never allow you to wait that long because he said "seek first the kingdom of God and all its righteousness and everything shall be added unto you."

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Saturday 11 February 2017


"When someone done something wrong, don't forget the ones he did right."

Before you judge that person, before you begin to criticize him, before you start gossiping about him, think about all the things he has done right. If you can, make a list of all the good things he has done and on the other side, make the list of the wrongs he has done and then compare them. The result will guide you on what to do. Even if he doesn't make it.....still forgive because no matter how bad a person, there is still good in him.

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"Do not pass by a man in need for you may be the hand of God in his life."

Have you ever been in a difficult situation and someone from nowhere surfaced and offer to help you out without asking for anything in return? If yes, how did you feel at that moment? Amazing (if you have a better word to qualify that special moment, use the comment box) right? We as humans often find ourselves in that desperate situations and we always pray and seek for help. My dear, when you find an opportunity to help someone who cannot pay you back, do so. God can use you to change someone's life, and as you do so...YOUR own life will never be the same again.

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"The most dangerous person is the one who listens, thinks and observe."

Am always careful when am around this type and would advice you to do the same. It doesn't necessarily mean they are dangerous but you should be careful with the things you do or say around them. Mind you, this type of people are not SHY Or DUMB...they are the quiet (not gentle) and cunning ones.

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Friday 10 February 2017


"Trust yourself. You have survived a lot and you wil survive whatever that is coming."

Take a look down your memory lane and see the challenges and obstacles you overcame to get to where you are today. Are they not amazing? The only thing you can do now is to get prepared, be strong and this storm coming will be another story to tell.

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"Don't promise when you are happy, don't reply when you are angry, and don't decide when you are sad."

If you are still doing them, maybe it's time to stop. If you promise when you are happy, probability is that you will make the one you can't keep out of joy. If you reply when you are angry, probability is that you will say a lot of things both parties are going to regret later. And if you decide when you are sad, trust me when I tell you that emotions and sentiments will cloud your sense of judgement and you will end up in a bigger and sadder situation. My advice...don't make the above mistakes.

Want to sell a heavy duty truck? Buyers are waiting. Call this number - +2348069474274.

Do you live in Abuja and you need a seasoned Engineer with 25years work experience to service your heavy duty generator? Call +2348069474274 now.


"People will leave you but that doesn't mean it's your fault."

Stop wallowing in self pity and get yourself together. Know it that you can't force anyone to stay if they don't want to. Even when you have wronged them and apologized sincerely letting them know that you are truly sorry and they decide to leave, LET THEM GO. Stop blaming yourself because some people come into our lives as blessings, others as lessons.

Want to sell a heavy duty truck? Buyers are waiting. Call this number - +2348069474274.

Do you live in Abuja and you need a seasoned Engineer with 25years work experience to service your heavy duty generator? Call +2348069474274 now.

Thursday 9 February 2017


"Wake up every morning with the thought that something wonderful is about to happen."

I do this every morning and it works for me. It helps to put you in the right mood to face the challenges of the day. Be optimistic, put a smile on that lovely face of yours and prepare for work. God will see you through.

Want to sell a heavy duty truck? Buyers are waiting. Call this number - +2348069474274.

Do you live in Abuja and you need a seasoned Engineer with 25years work experience to service your heavy duty generator? Call +2348069474274 now.

Wednesday 8 February 2017


"A flower does not think of competing with the one next to it. it just blooms."

I know that competition is normal in life and sometimes help us to better our game and improve as an individual. But my question is, 'the competition, is it a healthy one?' The same reason a flower doesn't think of competing with the one next to it will also be the reason why a candle doesn't lose anything by lighting another candle. If these things understand this simple fact, how much we the humans. Competing with someone does not imply stopping or hindering the person's progress but improving your own game and strategy. If you do so in the right way, the other person will also do same and in that way...we all grow together as one and make the world a better place.

Want to sell a heavy duty truck? Buyers are waiting. Call this number - +2348069474274.

Do you live in Abuja and you need a seasoned Engineer with 25years work experience to service your heavy duty generator? Call +2348069474274 now.