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Thursday 29 March 2018


"Never spend money before you have earned it"

This is more prevalent but not limited to the civil servants. They always come up with the excuse that their salary is never enough and had to borrow each time. In as much as this is true, it is not the only option. I have seen people who earn little yet they are able to live a comfortable life. I was s lucky to interview one and he told me his secret. he said " earn, save and invest before you spend it." This is a simple strategy he use to overcome spending before earning. You can do the same.

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Wednesday 3 January 2018


"You change the world by your example not your opinion"

Am not trying to say that your opinion does not matter at all rather how does it affect the lives of those you come in contact with? People tend to notice your actions more than what you say. I have witness where people are busy blaming their government for every little thing yet when you look at their lifestyle...its nothing to write home about.
What impact have you made in peoples lives? What positive thing will you be remembered for? how can you turns those opinion of yours to something the world can benefit from because the truth is that at the end, its all that matters. Be the change you want to see and watch as you change our world.

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Tuesday 2 January 2018


"It's not over when you lose. It's over when you quit"

Losers are Winners. I know that i got u with that statement but come to think of it, how many winners have you seen that didn't lose or sacrifice something precious to get to their position or achieve their life goals. Ask any successful person what's their secret and the answer will always be 'never give up'.
You did not lose when you learn from your mistake, you did not lose when you get back up when you fail, you did not lose when you persevere against all odds but you LOSE when you QUIT. I know it sounds crazy but you have to fight the good fight cause their is always light at the end of the tunnel. Do not be a 'quitter', be a good loser...and see yourself mature mentally, psychologically, emotionally and spiritually. If you have 1000 reasons not to continue and only 1 reason to do otherwise, choose the later because you do not need so many reasons to do what you have to do.

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Thursday 14 December 2017


Do more things that make you forget to check your phone

In our modern society, mobile phones has become man's best companion. We tend to spend more time pressing our phones than doing anything that will benefit our society at large. When observed properly, you will be surprise to see that more people are addicted to their phones than they are to drugs and alcohol. This is the sad truth and to make it worse, the youths (the supposed leaders of tomorrow) are more guilty of this than any other age group.
It doesn't have to be this way. Instead of sitting down there all day with your pressing and pressing, engage your self in activities that can build you physically, emotionally, psychologically and most importantly spiritually cause the truth the end, that's all that matters.

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Saturday 25 February 2017


"Knowledge is knowing that tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting tomato in fruit salad."

Like my cousin use to say 'knowledge is not for storage but usage'. Knowing is not enough, you have to use it for your own good. If you know that a poison can kill u but drank it anyway, you're still going to die. If you know that success demands hardwork yet you sit at home all day and expect manna from heaven, you're still going to be poor. If you know that cheating is going to cost you your marriage and still do it anyway, divorce is lurking my friend. Its high time you start using those things you have gathered for years and put them to good use. If you are still waiting for some kind of motivation, how many success stories will you hear to make your own? You can start now and still have a wonderful end. Goodluck.

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Friday 24 February 2017


"Whatever you believe on the inside is what you manifest on the outside."

It is as simple as that. It's high time you start thinking positively about yourself no matter what you have done in the past or who you are. The success you so much desire, the position you you want so much, who you want to be tomorrow depends on what you think about yourself. I saw myself as a motivational writer and speaker, here I am today doing what I love to do. What about you? What are you doing about your dreams? Your passions? Change the way you think because mindset matters a lot in your life and it is one of the determining factors of what you will become later in life. Let me tell you a short story about how powerful the way you think about yourself or mindset can do to your life.
Four friends went to a restaurant to eat. A rich one at that...not that they are poor but the calibre of people that visit that restaurant can't be compared with them. Three of them felt intimidated my the way they were treated and vowed that one day, they would come back to that same place to show off their wealth and maybe receive a better treatment. One was not intimidated rather he was motivated. Why? He looked at it from a different point of view. He wants to own a place like that where everyone will be treated equally and in so doing, make his money. Today, their dreams are fulfilled...only that his friends now come to his restaurant to show their wealth.
I hope the story helps you to understand how your thoughts can influence your life.

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Wednesday 22 February 2017


"Watch out for people who are always bragging about who they are. A lion would never have to tell me it's a lion."

Empty vessels make the most noise. Even if you are what you say you are, are you God? I don't know about you but I know a lion when I see one, you don't have to tell me you are one. So, if you not roaring like one, waste your time the whole day sleeping like one, have hairs all over your head and neck...infact, if you don't look exactly like the animal in the picture below, my dear, you are just another regular human being belittling himself to the level of a lion. Have a wonderful day.

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Do you need a tutor for your kid(s) during the weekend and you live in Abuja? Call 08069474274.

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